Create Assets

To store your assets’ data in NEXUS, you set up an asset tree by creating a hierarchy of asset nodes on the ASSETS screen.

You can manually create nodes in the asset tree in one of the following ways:

Create a Root Asset

When you create a root asset, the asset is created at the top level of the hierarchy without a parent node. To create an asset at root level, proceed as follows:

  1. Choose Assets ‣ Add ‣ Root Asset from the toolbar on the ASSETS screen.

  2. In the Add Asset dialog, specify the name of the asset (mandatory) and assign an asset type as required.

    You can also indicate if this is a primary asset. This attribute can then be used for grouping your assets or in reporting.

  3. Click OK.

Create an Asset Under a Parent Node

When you create an asset under another parent asset, the new node is created as the last node under the selected asset. Proceed as follows:

  1. Select the asset under which you want to insert the new asset.

  2. Access the Add Asset dialog in either of the following ways:

    • Choose Assets ‣ Add ‣ Root Asset from the toolbar on the ASSETS screen.

    • Right-click the asset and select Add from the context menu.

  1. In the Add Asset dialog, specify the name of the asset (mandatory) and assign an asset type as required.

    You can also indicate if this is a primary asset. This attribute can then be used for grouping your assets or in reporting.

  2. Click OK.

Insert Linked Asset With Children

When you insert a linked asset under a parent asset with its children, you select an existing asset, which is then inserted as a child under the selected asset, including all its children. Proceed as follows:

  1. Select the asset under which you want to insert the new asset.

  2. Choose Assets ‣ Add ‣ Linked Asset (With Children) from the toolbar on the ASSETS screen.

  3. In the dialog that appears, select the asset that you want to include from the asset tree. If required, you can switch the asset view using the Asset Views toolbar button.

  4. Click OK.

Insert Linked Asset Without Children

When you insert a linked asset under a parent asset without its children, you select an existing asset, which is then inserted as a child under the selected asset, without its children. Proceed as follows:

  1. Select the asset under which you want to insert the new asset.

  2. Choose Assets ‣ Add ‣ Linked Asset (Without Children) from the toolbar on the ASSETS screen.

  3. In the dialog that appears, select the asset that you want to include from the asset tree. If required, you can switch the asset view using the Asset Views toolbar button.

  4. Click OK.