EEHA Expert System


The EEHA (Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Area) Expert System is configured to assist in the management of electrical equipment in hazardous areas. The large volume of Ex equipment that typically exist on many sites can often lead to difficulties in performing inspections and managing the data associated with them. The EEHA expert system can assist by providing a mobile electronic inspection solution that will instantly feed to the database. From here, the data may be used to demonstrate KPIs, perform RBI assessments and plan/create of work pack. Allowing the user to reduce the inspection load and manage the data effectively to meet the required regulations.

Codes / Standards

  • Australian/New Zealand Standard Explosive Atmosphere Part 17: Electrical installations inspection and maintenance (IEC 60079-17:2013 (ED.5.0) MOD) - AS/NZS 60079.17: 2017.

  • Guidelines for managing inspection of Ex electrical equipment ignition risk in support of IEC 60079-17.

Asset Types

Asset Type



Groups Ex electrical equipment together by zone, type of protection, environmental condition, and equipment age. The RBI assessment is performed at this level with an inspection interval applying to the Ex-equipment below.

Ex Electrical Equipment

Defines the physical assets present on site. The inspections are recorded at this level.

Asset Information

Asset Information Group


Assigned to Type(s)

Defining Features of Lot

Summarises the type of equipment within a lot.


Frequency of Inspection

Demonstrates the calculations performed to determine the frequency of inspection.


Lot Equipment Information

The asset data relevant to Ex electrical equipment.

Ex Electrical Equipment

Sample Size

The determination of the number of children assets to be inspected at a given frequency.


Sampling Plan

A summary of the current key parameters of the lot.


Risk Models

High level diagram summarising risk assessment approach. (Should identify each damage mode/mechanism as a single item & also call out compliance with individual codes)

Inspection / Maintenance Events

Event Type


Assigned to Asset Type(s)

EEHA Close Inspection Form

Ex Electrical Equipment

EEHA Detailed Inspection Form

Ex Electrical Equipment

EEHA Inspection Form

Ex Electrical Equipment

EEHA Visual Inspection Form

Ex Electrical Equipment

Lot Inspection

Calculates the results of most recent inspection


Review of Sampling Plan


Traffic Lights


Traffic Lights are currently not distributed with the Expert System.

Dashboards / Reports

Report Name


EEHA - Charts

EEHA - Inspection Checklist Form

Ex ‘i’ Detailed Inspection