
A workpack is a collection of tasks and events.

Workpacks can be created in the following ways:

  • Automatically by means of Planning Templates

  • Manually created from the WORKPACKS screen or from wherever the Add Workpack dialog is triggered

  • Bulk imported from MS Excel (see Import)

  • Automatically via connection with a corporate ERP / CMMS

Apply planning template
From corporate ERP/CMMS
Create manually

You perform workpack-related activities on the WORKPACK screen. For more information about navigating on the screen, see WORKPACKS Screen.


You can set up cost codes, define workpack groups and workpack revisions in your configuration settings. For more information, see Configure Planning Data. You can also make these settings when you’re editing workpacks.

Manage Workpacks

You can create, edit, delete, import or export workpacks from the main toolbar of the WORKPACKS screen. For more information, see the sections below: