Add/Edit Planning Template Dialog

See below for the description of fields in the Add Planning Template/Edit Planning Template dialogs.

In the Add Planning Template dialog, only the Planning Template tab is visible, the other tabs get displayed once you have saved a new planning template and start editing it.

  • Planning Template tab:

    Field/Checkbox Name



    Enter a name that uniquely identifies the planning template. Note that the name cannot exceed 50 characters.

    Base Asset

    This field is non-required. However, if you select an asset here, then the planning template tasks will be limited to the assets for the Base Asset and all child assets of the Base Asset.


    Determines how often tasks in the planning template should be completed. Options are Yearly, Half Yearly, Quarterly or Monthly. For example, a planning template set up for Annual Subsea ROV Inspections could be set to Yearly, however, a planning template set up for quarterly oil change on a gear box would be set to Quarterly.


    The number of occurrences defines how many times the tasks in the planning template should be completed. This is equal to the number of columns displayed on the Summary tab when editing planning templates.


    Specifies the naming convention used for creating new workpacks when applying the planning template. Using [yyyy] inserts the year into the workpack name, or [yy] the abbreviated year. Using [mm] inserts the month in the workpack name. For example, workpacks generated where the format is defined as “[yyyy]-Annual UT”, will be titled “2018-Annual UT”, “2019-Annual UT”, and so on. [oc] represents the Occurrence Number and will increment as the workpack is generated.

    Workpack Group

    When workpacks are created from this planning template, they will be created in the workpack group that you specify here.


    When workpacks are created from this planning template, they will be created with the revision that you specify here.

    Read Only

    If you tick this checkbox, the workpacks are created from this planning template will be created as read-only.

    Respect Task Move

    If you tick this checkbox and tasks (which are generated from a planning template) are rescheduled, the subsequent tasks are moved relative to the date of the moved task based on their frequency. If you do not tick this checkbox, then tasks are simply created in the predetermined occurrences.


    The Respect Task Move option is selected by default for all new planning templates. For databases converted from v5, the Respect Task Move option will be deselected by default.

  • Summary tab:

    On the Summary tab, you can do the following:

    • In the top half of the tab, you can check a visual summary of the planning tasks, which shows where the tasks will be created once the planning template is applied. For more information, see Check Summary.

    • In the bottom half of the tab, you can manage planning tasks. For more information, see Manage Planning Tasks.

  • Applied To tab:

    On this tab, you can check the name of each of the workpacks that has been created from, or linked to this planning template, as well as the planning template occurrence number relevant to that workpack. Note that it is possible for a workpack to contain tasks from multiple planning templates.