Add/Edit Table Definition Dialog

See below for the description of fields in the Add Table Definition/Edit Table Definition dialogs.

This dialog is triggered when you configure tables for Asset Information Groups (AIGs) (see Configure Asset Information Groups), global tables (see Configure Global Tables) or event types (see Configure Event Types).

Note that depending on where you trigger this dialog from, some tabs may or may not be visible.

  • Table Definition tab:

    Field/Checkbox Name



    Enter a name that uniquely identifies the table. This will appear on the user interface.


    If required, describe the main purpose of the table.


    If required, enter a category to classify the table. The category of a table may help in grouping, for example, asset information groups with the same category will appear grouped together. In IC-Inspection, event types can be grouped by category in the Event Launcher pane.


    If you’re configuring an event for use in IC-Inspection, the icon that you upload here will appear in the Event Launcher pane of IC-Inspection. The recommended size for event icons is 24x17 pixels.


    The colour that you specify here can be referenced in charts using the Colour axis. A common use case would be a pie chart that shows the events recorded by event type.


    This function is not in use currently.

    Auto Calculate

    Disables the automatic execution of calculated fields when editing this item.

    Allow Security

    If you tick this checkbox, then in the Database Manage User Security and Permissions menu, you can control which users (and groups of users) will have what type of access to this form or table (no ability to view, ability to view but not modify, or ability to view and modify).

  • Library tab:

    On this tab, you can optionally add one or more Library Items to the form or table. This might be useful if you want instructions for filling out the form to be stored in the database.

  • Form Pages tab: This tab is used only for non-configurable system tables. It is not relevant for a typical end-user configuration scenario.

  • Asset Types tab: On this tab, you can select the asset types for which the form will be available. This tab is relevant only for AIGs. By default, no asset types are selected, so this form won’t be available anywhere in the database.