Create Expert Systems and Versions

You create a new expert system or a new expert system version in the source database from which you want to export the expert system.


  1. If you create a new expert system, add the new expert system entry.

    1. From the menu, navigate to Database ‣ Expert Systems.. and choose Add.

    2. Enter a name that identifies the expert system, an owner, and in the Comments field, provide a brief description about the purpose and content of the expert system configuration.

    3. Click OK to save the expert system.

  2. Add elements to the expert system as required.

    1. Select the new expert system from the Expert Systems dialog and click Edit.

    2. Choose which elements you want to include in the expert system in one of the following ways:

      • Choosing asset types on the Asset Type tab. When you select asset types, NEXUS will determine all the associated AIGs, event definitions, functions, report templates that are linked to that asset type and will include all those items in your template.

      • Choosing specific elements on the Advanced tab. This allows you to pick and choose which items of this database you want to include in your template. Based on your selection, NEXUS will still ensure that all associated AIGs, event definitions, functions, report templates linked to the items you have selected will be included in your template.

    3. Click OK to save the expert system.

  3. Add a version to the expert system.

    1. Select the new expert system from the Expert Systems dialog.

    2. In the bottom part of the dialog, under Versions, choose Add.

    3. Enter a description for this version in the Comments field. The date and version number is auto-populated.

    4. Click OK to save the version.

  4. Make the new expert system or expert system version available for the client to import. You can do this in one of the ways described below:

    • Save to Offline Template

      You can save the created expert system version into an offline template, which can then be imported manually to the client’s database. To do that, proceed as follows:

      1. In the Expert Systems dialog, under Versions, click Save Template.

      2. Select the destination folder where you want to save the template and enter the name of the expert system. Keep the extension as *.expertsystem.

      3. Click Save.


      The expert system data file is created and can be imported into the destination database as described in * Deploy Expert Systems and Versions.

    • Publish

      If the client has subscribed to the expert system and has Internet access, you can publish the new expert system version. This can then be downloaded to the client’s database from the Internet. To do that, in the Expert Systems dialog, under Versions, click Publish.


      The new expert system or expert system version is added to the Wood client management database (NEXUS_Clients), which you can see under the Expert Systems hierarchy when you open the Feature Related asset view. A signature is automatically generated for a new expert system. Before the customer can deploy the new expert system version, it must be made available to the client as described in Make Expert System Version Available to Client.