Set Up Text Overlays

If you use IC-Recorder to record video with text overlays, you have two options for configuring the text overlays:

  • Configuration in IC-Inspection:

    You can set up text overlays in IC-Inspection by using the Text Overlays button on the Devices pane.

    If you’re using IC-Recorder alongside IC-Inspection, we highly recommend setting up text overlays within IC-Inspection. This ensures consistency when using multiple recorders since you can use the same overlay on each recorder (except for channel name). When you configure the overlay in IC-Inspection, you only need to do it once, and the settings will be applied to all connected recorders. If IC-Recorder is currently disconnected, it will receive the configuration upon reconnection.

  • Configuration in IC-Recorder:

    You can also set up text overlays in IC-Recorder using the Edit Overlays button from the main toolbar.

    We recommend using this option only if you’re using IC-Recorder as a standalone device. If you use IC-Recorder alongside IC-Inspection, make the configurations in IC-Inspection to maintain uniformity across recorders.

Create a New Overlay

  1. Start creating a new overlay in either of the following ways:

    • In IC-Inspection, choose Text Overlays from the toolbar of the Devices pane.

    • In IC-Recorder, choose Edit Overlays from the mail toolbar.

  2. In the Edit Overlays dialog, choose Add.

  3. In the Edit Overlay dialog, specify a name for the new overlay on the top of the Configuration screen area. Here you can also select a background colour for designing the text overlay. By default, the colour is black.


    Drag the window larger to make the black overlay region larger. It doesn’t need to match the actual size of your video feed, but it’s convenient for you if you drag it to approximately the same shape.

  4. On the left-hand side of the screen, under the Available Regions section, ensure that you have all the fields that you want to include in your text overlay.

    • In IC-Inspection, you can add additional asset information fields by choosing the Asset Information Fields button on the top of the screen. Besides asset information, you can also see database fields, device information, survey fields, as well as static text or image elements that you can include. If a survey field you want is not shown in the list, ensure that the appropriate survey field is configured and has a value.

    • In IC-Recorder, you can see device information fields and static text or image elements that can be retrieved directly from IC-Recorder. Survey fields, database fields and asset information fields are all retrieved from IC-Inspection. You cannot add new asset information fields in IC-Recorder. If you want to add a new field, you have to do it in IC-Inspection.

  5. Drag fields from the tree on the left onto the overlay layout region. Move them to the position where you want to see the fields on the recorded video screen.

    Any fields that you have dragged to the overlay layout region will appear in the list under the Regions section at the bottom of the screen.

  6. Customise the appearance of the fields.

    When add your first field, you may want to customise it (colour, font, size, etc.), because additional fields you add will inherit their settings from the previous field.

    Once fields are on the overlay, you can configure them as follows:

    • Selection: You can select fields by clicking them on the overlay or selecting them from the grid under Regions.

      You can also multiselect fields as follows:

      • On the overlay, you can “lasso” several fields by click-dragging a box around them or use the Ctrl key to select fields one after the other.

      • In the grid, you can use the Ctrl key or Shift key to select multiple rows.

    • Toolbar Buttons: You can use the toolbar buttons at the top of the Regions screen area to perform actions on selected fields. You can nudge them, align them, change their font size, or delete them.

    • In-grid editing: You can adjust settings specific to individual fields by double-clicking in the cell for the required field and parameter. You can make the following settings:

      • Specify a text for static texts and images

      • Add a prefix or suffix text, for example, a short prefix “E: ” for Easting, etc.

      • Define offset values for field placement (percentage from the top and left side of the captured screen).

      • Specify font type, font size and font colour for the texts. Note that a 10-point font on a 576-pixel high SD video will fill about 1/57th of the height of the image, which may be suitable, however, it would be too small on a 1080-pixel high HD feed.

      • Select a background colour for the field. By default, no background colour is applied (transparent). This conceals less of the video, but may be less clear on certain video colours. Consider enabling the Show Overlay Text Shadow option under Tools ‣ Options ‣ Advanced (see Advanced) for better legibility with transparent-background fields. This option consumes additional CPU power, so if your CPU is near 100% during recording, disable this option.

    If you add an “Image” region, a file dialog will appear immediately. If you choose a .PNG file, its transparency will be honoured. If the PNG has partial or full transparency, you’ll see the video through the image. You can add multiple image regions if needed.


    If you’re using a Marshall Encoder rather than a system hardware, some overlay configuration options are ignored because the Marshall Encoder does not support them. Text, prefix, suffix, source, top, left, font size, and font color are supported, but font choice (for example, Courier, Arial) is not. Additionally, the Marshall Encoder supports a maximum of 16 overlaid fields.

  7. Choose OK to save your changes and exit the dialog or Apply to save your changes and keep the dialog open.

    After confirming your settings and closing the chain of dialogs, you’ll see real-time updates of survey values on your recorders.

Edit Overlays

You can edit overlays only within the application where they were originally created. That is, in IC-Inspection, you can edit overlays created in IC-Inspection, in IC-Recorder, you can only edit overlays created in IC-Recorder.

  1. Start editing an overlay in either of the following ways:

    • In IC-Inspection, choose Text Overlays from the toolbar of the Devices pane.

    • In IC-Recorder, choose Edit Overlays from the mail toolbar.

  2. In the Edit Overlays dialog, choose Edit.

  3. Make your changes as required. For more information about the configuration options, see Create a New Overlay above.

  4. Choose OK to save your changes and exit the dialog or Apply to save your changes and keep the dialog open.