Rotate Equipment

When you rotate an equipment, you swap the location of the selected asset with another asset of the same type. Swapping assets will exchange their location in the asset tree and create records on the Asset History tab for both assets, to record details of the exchange.

To retire an equipment, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the relevant asset node in the asset tree.

  2. Choose the Rotate Equipment menu option either from the Assets toolbar menu or from the right-click context menu of the node.

  3. In the dialog that is displayed, select another asset of the same type from the asset tree. Assets that are not of the same type will be greyed out in the tree.

  4. Click OK.


The asset tree is refreshed and the swapped asset will be selected in the tree.


  • The Rotate Equipment menu item will only be enabled if the selected asset has an asset type.

  • You cannot rotate an asset with one of its children.

  • The Rotate Equipment menu item is a Shortcut. As such, if necessary, it can be debugged using the Shortcut debugger. When you select the menu item, hold down the Control key on the keyboard. The Select Asset dialog will be displayed, but will be followed by the Debug Shortcut dialog. You can step through shortcut items one at a time, which may help to narrow down any problems.

This functionality is most commonly used for PRDs where they are “rotated” out for valves that have been tested and prepared for service.