
The Export toolbar option is a common feature across various screens in NEXUS IC. It allows you to export the contents of the active grid to different formats, including Excel, Text, or CSV.


The Export button available on grids is different from the custom export functionality available for assets (see Custom Export Assets) and events (see Custom Export Events). The custom export functionality launches the Export wizard that allows you to select a subset of asset or event data for export.

To perform the export, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Export toolbar button.

  2. Choose the required format for exporting the grid data. You have the following options:

    • Export ‣ HTML

    • Export ‣ RTF

    • Export ‣ Text

  3. Select one of the following options for exporting the grid contents:

    • File: This allows you to save the data to a file. You’ll need to navigate to a Windows folder location using the Save As dialog and click Save.

    • Email: If you prefer, you can embed the exported data directly into an email. The file will be sent to the email address associated with the currently logged-in user.