Properties Dialog

See below for the description of fields in the Properties dialog under Database ‣ Properties. Self-explanatory fields are not explained.

  • Properties tab:

    On this tab, you can set up various properties related to your database, such as client name, client logo, paths for videos or risk models.

    Field/Checkbox Name



    You can enter a client name but this value is not used anywhere.


    You can enter any details or comments here but this value is not used anywhere.

    User Upgraded

    Identifies the name of the logged in user that instigated the latest database schema update.

    Date Upgrade

    The date that the latest schema update was performed.

    Retention (Jobs)

    Determines the retention period for job history, measured in days. Any job history records older than the specified number of days will be automatically purged.

    Global Video Path

    The root folder or UNC path for all inspection video that may be linked to inspection events under INSPECTION. This could also be an Azure SAS URL ( ), which links to cloud based storage. See Managing Videos for more information.

    Temporary Inspection Video Path

    This field is typically filled during offshore inspection campaigns for offline video review. It specifically pertains to videos that will be local to this instance of NEXUS IC. See Managing Videos for more information.

    Filename Format

    Defines the file naming format to be used with IC-Recorder/DVR.

    Anomaly Risk Chart

    Allows you to select the anomaly risk chart that you want to be displayed on the ANOMALIES screen. To ensure that you can select the anomaly risk chart in this dialog, you must have configured the anomaly risk chart as described in Configure Risk Charts. You must also set up the System - Anomaly - Risk Score function that calculates the Risk Score for each anomaly. For more information, see Set Up Anomaly Risk Matrix.


    You can upload logos (primary and secondary) to be used in the headings of report templates. The logo is included in the Dashboards Page report and the Asset Dashboards report by default.

  • Drawings tab:

    On this tab, you make settings specific to drawings, such as a variety of default colours associated with drawings and settings associated with 3D or SVG drawings.

    Field/Checkbox Name


    Default Traffic Light Colour

    If the currently selected traffic lighting (see Traffic Light) does not specify a colour to go with the traffic light’s actual value on the asset for a drawing region or button, then the relevant layer will be shown using the colour that you specify in this field. This layer is visible when you select Layer Colour ‣ Traffic Light from the toolbar of the Drawings tab on the ASSETS or INSPECTION screen.

    Known Asset Colour

    On the Drawings tab of the ASSETS or INSPECTION screen (see Drawings), when you select Layer Colour ‣ Unknown Asset from the toolbar, this colour will be shown for drawing regions and buttons if the relevant layer is connected to an asset and the linked asset can be found in the database.

    Unknown Asset Colour

    On the Drawings tab of the ASSETS or INSPECTION screen (see Drawings), when you select Layer Colour ‣ Unknown Asset from the toolbar, this colour will be shown for drawing regions and buttons if the relevant layer is connected to an asset but the linked asset cannot be found in the database.

    Missing Asset Colour

    On the Drawings tab of the ASSETS or INSPECTION screen (see Drawings), when you select Layer Colour ‣ Unknown Asset from the toolbar, this colour will be shown for drawing regions and buttons if the relevant layer is not connected to any asset.

    Attribute (3D)

    In 3D DWGs, you can use a tag in the DWG to specify what asset the element refers to. NEXUS IC will then match that tag to the field you specify under Configuration ‣ Assets ‣ Features ‣ Asset Serial Number ‣ Edit (see Configure Features). In this field, you are specifying the DWG tag that NEXUS IC will attempt to match on. See 3D Drawing Setup Example for more information on how to configure 3D drawings.

    Attribute (SVG)

    In SVG drawings, you can use an attribute to specify what asset the element refers to. NEXUS IC will then match that attribute to the field you specify under Configuration ‣ Assets ‣ Features ‣ Asset Serial Number ‣ Edit (see Configure Features). In this field, you are specifying the attribute that NEXUS IC will attempt to match on.

    Missing Attribute Colour

    If NEXUS IC finds an attribute in the 3D/SVG drawing but is unable to find an asset with a matching 3D/SVG attribute in the database (as specified above), it will highlight the asset in the colour you select here.

    Grid Size

    Specifies the size of a grid cell at scale 1 for the 3D drawings.

    Grid Colour

    Determines the colour of the grid for 3D drawings.

    North Layer Name

    Name of the ‘True North’ layer for 3D drawings.

  • Email tab:

    On this tab, you can set up the email host that allows NEXUS IC to send emails (for example, to email a generated report or the contents of any of the grids). For more information, see Set Up Email.

  • License tab:

    This tab contains details of your license key. As part of Software Based Licensing, this is where you will enter that license information.

See also