RCM Expert System Content

The RCM expert system comes with the following elements:

Asset Types

Asset Type


Equipment Class

Represents an RCM Equipment Class


A Subclass of an Asset Class

Subclass Category

A category of a Subclass. Used to assign a maintenance strategy.


A Subunit of a Subclass Category


A Function of a piece of Equipment

Functional Failure

A Functional Failure of a Function

Failure Mode

A Failure Mode of a Functional Failure


A Maintenance task to mitigate a Failure Mode

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Asset Information Groups (AIGs)

AIG Name



Equipment Class

RCM Library

Defines key attributes of an Asset Class for exporting to Global Library.


RCM Library

Combination of Equipment Class and Equipment Type information.

Subclass Category

RCM Library


RCM Library

Information about this Subunit of the parent Equipment


RCM Library

Functional Failure

RCM Library

Failure Mode

RCM Library

Maintenance Task

RCM Library

Information about what Maintenance Task should be performed and when

RCM Library Asset


Links the selected asset to the appropriate part of the RCM Library.

Failure Modes


Key information about Failure Modes assigned to the selected asset.

Maintenance Tasks


Information about Maintenance Tasks assigned to the selected asset.

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The table below outlines several frequently used functions delivered with the RCM expert system. Please note that this list does not cover all available functions.



Proposed Task Type from FM_ID

Returns the Proposed Task Type field for a Library Failure Mode with the matching FM_ID. If it is not found, returns null.

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Add Next RCM Library Node

Adds the next level of the RCM Library hierarchy, based on the currently selected level.

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Client-Specific Lists

Wood delivers “out-of-the-box” configuration for the global tables and lookup lists listed below. These tables and lookup lists are delivered without data. To ensure that the system works effectively, customers must populate them with their own company-specific data upon deployment. Wood can provide sensible default data if required.




Global Table

Allowable RCM Library Asset Types

Used to override the default RCM Library allowable asset types.

Global Table

Failure Mode Library

A library of failure modes that can be applied to assets.

Global Table

Library Revision Status

Stores valid Status values for RCM Library data that can have multiple Revisions.

Global Table

Maintenance Library

A library of maintenance tasks for each library Subclass Category.

Global Table

Subclass Category Codes

Stores valid Subclass Category Codes in the RCM library.

Global Table

Subclass Mapping to Asset Type

Maps Subclasses or Subclass Categories to Asset Types.

Lookup List


Lookup List

Failure Characteristic

Lookup List

Failure Occurrence

Lookup List

RCM Discipline

Lookup List

Revision Status

Lookup List

Task Type

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