
On the Tasks pane, you can see the list of tasks that are associated with the selected asset in the asset tree and included in the workpack selected on the Active Inspection pane.

From this pane, you can use the toolbar options to perform various actions on tasks, such as review, edit or launch them. For more information, see below.

Tasks Toolbar

Toolbar Option



Launches the currently selected task and creates an event form in the Active Events pane. For more information, see Create Event from Task.


You can use this option if you have set up an event template (see Set Up Event Templates) for the event type of the task, and selected the event template group in the Active Inspection pane. This allows you to launch the task and create the event using the preconfigured event template.


Allows you to edit the task in the Edit Task dialog. For more information, see Add/Edit Task Dialog.

Navigate to Asset

Changes the active asset in the asset tree to the currently selected task’s asset. Note that this will change what tasks are visible in the Tasks pane.


Allows you to filter the visible tasks in the Tasks pane. If you select Hide Completed, all completed tasks will be hidden.

Child Assets

Toggles on and off the display of tasks on assets that are descendants of the currently selected.

Parent Assets

toggles on and off the display of tasks on assets that are ancestors of the currently selected asset.


See Export.


See Customise.


See Connections.


Toggles the visibility of the Task Instructions pane within the Tasks pane.