Create Event from Task
You can create an event from a task as described below.
A task exists for the relevant asset.
You have selected the asset in the asset tree and ensured that data in the Active Inspection pane is filled correctly.
You have started the inspection using the Start button in the main toolbar.
The task has not been completed yet.
Launch the task. You can launch a task in the following ways:
On the Tasks pane, select the task from the list and click Launch from the pane’s toolbar, or double-click the task.
If you have set up an event template (see Set Up Event Templates) for the event type of the task, you can also use the Launch Template toolbar button to create the event with the preconfigured values added. Note that the relevant event template group must be assigned in the Active Inspection pane to enable this feature.
On the Drawings pane, click the asset and click the task in the drop-down list.
In the toolbar of the Drawings pane, click
to see layers coloured according to the status of tasks assigned to specific assets in that workpack.In the Active Events pane, a new event gets added. Enter event data on the Details tab. You can also capture images or raise a finding as required. For more information about what you can do on this pane, see Active Events.
If you want the task to be completed when the event is created, ensure that the Complete Task checkbox is selected at the top of the tab. This is selected by default.
To create the event record, save the active event in either of the following ways:
Click Save in the toolbar to save the new event entry, which will be visible in the Event Listing pane. The event gets closed in the Active Events pane.
Click Save & New to save the new event entry and immediately create a new one with the same event type. The created event will be visible in the Event Listing pane and disappears from the Active Events pane and a new empty event record is added to the Active Events dialog.
Click Save & Hold if you could not complete the work required by the task (for example, you have inspected part of an asset but had to stop for some reason). This option saves the event, which will be visible in the Event Listing pane and completes the task, however, it creates a new continuation task for the asset. For the original task, the Is Held field gets the value Yes in the task’s parameters. The new task that is created will have reference to the original task in its instructions and the Previous Task field will be populated with reference to the original task.