Create Anomaly Actions
Anomaly actions can be created through bulk import (see Import) or following the process below.
Start adding the anomaly action in either of the following ways:
On the ANOMALIES screen, select the relevant anomaly and on the Actions tab, choose Add from the tab’s toolbar.
Edit the anomaly (either from the ASSETS or the ANOMALIES screen) and in the Edit Anomaly dialog (see Add/Edit Anomaly Dialog), on the Actions tab, choose Add.
In the Add Anomaly Action dialog, enter the details of the anomaly action as required. For information about filling the fields in this dialog, see Add/Edit Anomaly Action Dialog.
You can assign a due date for the action in the Action Before field and assign it to a user or user group in the Assigned To field.
If you want to assign a task to the anomaly action later, you must assign an event type to the action type in the Action Type field. To do that, when you select the action type using the
in the Action Type field and you add or edit an action type, ensure that you select an event type in the Event Type field of the Edit Action Type dialog.
Click OK.
The new action item gets listed on the Actions tab of the ANOMALIES screen and on the Actions tab of the Edit Anomaly Action dialog.