On the Charts pane of the INSPECTION screen, you can review all the chart templates that are relevant for the events listed on the Event Listing tab or the findings listed on the Findings Listing tab, whichever is active.
If you don’t see any charts listed, try different types of events, by changing the asset or by changing your filters. Charts only show event data included in your filters (workpacks, event types, column-specific filters, etc), it doesn’t show data for events or findings that you have filtered out on the Event Listing or Finding Listing tabs. If your chart template is on continuous event data (such as cross-profiles), ensure that you select that Continuous Event in your event type filter.
Charts are generated from preconfigured chart templates. To enable displaying charts for an asset, the relevant chart templates must have been configured as described in Configure Chart Templates.
Display Charts
To expand/collapse each chart, click the button at the top right of that chart, or click the chart’s grey header row.
Click on the chart area and then, with the mouse cursor still inside the chart area, use your mouse wheel to increase/decrease the chart scale.
Note the following:
Available charts are listed alphabetically. The first chart will be automatically expanded.
Events with findings are shown on the chart in red.
For some chart templates, at the right or the bottom of the chart is the chart legend. If you hover the mouse over an item on the legend, other series on the chart will fade out temporarily. If you click an item on the legend, that series will be toggled on/off. If you export the chart, only series currently visible will be exported.
Every client database includes:
Baseline Chart, which shows events’ Easting and Northing, and optionally also shows a pipeline baseline track (if you’ve set one up)
Cross-Profile chart, which shows seabed profile for a single KP (if you have any PL - Cross Profile data imported)
Event Type -v- KP chart, which shows what events are logged at what KP of a pipeline (if you have any KP-based assets such as pipelines)
Events by Type, a pie chart showing how many events you have of each type
Longitudinal Profile, which shows top of pipe, bottom of pie, and left and right seabed versus KP (if you have any PL - Profile data imported)
Pipeline View, which shows events along your pipeline in a 3D view. This view can also show seabed profile (if you have any PL - Cross Profile data imported), and animates motion along the pipeline as you select events. See Charts Toolbar below for details of buttons that are used by the Pipeline View.
Chart Width
When the Charts tab is 1000 pixels wide or less, all charts are shown at the full width of the tab. When the Charts tab is over 1000 pixels wide, some charts are shown full width, and some are shown half width, in order to fit more charts side-by-side onto your screen.
Charts that have an X axis of type string, date, or date/time, or whose X axis includes ‘KP’ are always shown full width. You can adjust the width of all charts by adjusting the width of the whole application window, adjusting other elements such as the asset tree wider/narrower, and so on.
At the bottom of most chart templates, below the horizontal scrollbar (if visible) is the Zoom Bar. You can hover the mouse over the left or right end of the selected part of the Zoom Bar and drag to change the selection. Initially the entire Zoom Bar will be selected, so hover the mouse over the left or right end of the bar and drag. Once a subset of the chart is selected, you can use the scroll bar or the Zoom Bar to drag the whole selection area without zooming.
You can also zoom in or out by clicking in the chart area and (with the mouse cursor still inside the chart area) spinning the mouse wheel. For charts with a lot of data (thousands of events) this can be slow, so the Zoom Bar may be faster. You can zoom on a single axis by putting the mouse pointer over that axis and spinning the mouse wheel. Not all charts support zooming in both axes.
You can also control zoom with toolbar buttons Zoom In, Zoom Out, and Reset Zoom.
Charts Toolbar
There is no toolbar for the whole Charts tab. Instead, each chart has its own toolbar.
Zooms the image in.
Zooms the image out.
Resets to default zoom level.
Opens the Export dialog, from which you can generate images from the chart. Ensure the range you want is set correctly using the Zoom Bar. Ensure the series you want to export are visible. If you want to export the chart as a series of images, each covering a smaller horizontal range, enter the range you would like each chart to cover in the Range of X Axis per image field. For example, if you have a 300 km pipeline and you enter “10” as the range per image, it will be broken into 30 images, each covering 10 km.
Copies the chart, as you see it displayed, without the “zoom” section at the bottom, to the clipboard.
Expands/collapses the display of this chart.
The following buttons are specific to the Pipeline View chart:
Tracks the current KP. This button is only available in IC-Inspection. When selected, the pipeline view will move in time with the KP value coming in from survey. For NEXUS IC, see Inspections Toolbar.
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Exaggerates the scale to show more of the pipeline. When selected, the scale of the pipeline will be distorted to make a greater KP range visible.
Toggles stacked series mode. When selected, events above the pipeline will be moved to make them more obvious. Different events will be moved up different distances so that all are easily distinguishable.
Toggles 3D perspective mode. When unselected, you will see the pipeline viewed from the side. When selected, you will see the pipeline viewed from above and slightly off to one side.
Report Table Sources
To extract chart template data into a report template, use a Chart Template element in the report, and use the appropriate Asset table or Event table as a source. For more information see Configure Report Templates.