Hardware and Software Prerequisites

Client Software

  • Client Operating System:

    See the list of supported operating systems below:

    • Windows 10 x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit)

    • Windows 11 x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit)

    • Windows Server 2016 (or higher)

  • ODBC Drivers: Version 17 required. (Download)

  • Windows Media Foundation: For clients running Windows Server, use the ‘Add Roles and Features’ wizard from the Server Manager. Skip through to ‘Features’ and select ‘Media Foundation’.

  • Desktop Experience: For clients running Windows Server, the Desktop Experience feature needs to be installed (Desktop Experience Overview)

  • Oracle Instant Client: Only required if Oracle connectors are configured (Oracle Instant Client).

Other Client Software

Other software applications commonly installed on client machines include:

  • Microsoft Excel: Used for viewing reports that are exported to XLS format. Also commonly used to compile source input files for bulk data imports and updates (CSV or TXT can be used as an alternative).

  • Microsoft Word: Used for viewing Reports that are exported to RTF format (alternative viewer is WordPad).

  • Any web browser: Used for viewing Reports that are exported to HTML format.

  • Any PDF reader: Used for viewing PDF format reference documents that may have been uploaded to the NEXUS IC Library.

Client Hardware

  • Processor: Minimum Core i5 / i7

  • Graphics card: If 3D support is required, then the graphics card must support OpenGL.

  • Memory: Minimum 4GB RAM

  • Hard Disk: Minimum 30GB

  • Video Resolution: Recommended: 1920 x 2000 or higher at 100% scale (dual monitors recommended for IC-Inspection)


We recommend network latency is maintained at < 4ms. Latency is displayed in the application status bar, as well as Memory Overhead and Memory used. Tasks within NEXUS can take a varying amount of time (from milliseconds to minutes) depending on complexity. Increased network latency can degrade performance. Some tasks will suffer barely at all from increased latency; some tasks will suffer much more. (Degradation is never worse than linear: double the latency will cause at most double the time to be taken by the application.)


IC-Web Supported Browsers

  • Chrome 54.0 or above

  • Microsoft Edge 79 or above

  • Safari 9.1 or above

  • Firefox 53.0 or above. 3D drawings may be slower in Firefox.

IC-Web Server

  • Processor: Minimum Core i5 / i7

  • Memory: Minimum 4GB RAM

  • Hard Disk: Minimum 30GB

  • Server OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (or higher) supported.

  • Web server software: Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 8.5 with

    • ISAPI Extensions

    • IIS Management Studio (highly recommended)

  • ODBC Drivers: Version 17 required. (Download)

  • Connection to SQL server running a NEXUS IC database

SQL Server

  • Version: SQL Server 2019 or higher

  • Processor: Multi-core CPU

  • Memory: 4GB+

  • Separation of System, Database and Transaction Log storage

Internet Connectivity

  • Software Based Licensing requires access to Internet (standard HTTPS port 443)

  • Automatic Crash Logs requires access to Internet (standard HTTPS port 443)