Manage Expert Systems

The expert systems functionality allows you to export configurations for asset types, asset information groups, event forms, functions, report templates, shortcuts, risk models, charts, and so on, out of one database and import it into another.

This process can be accomplished in one of the following two ways:

  • Clients can subscribe to one ore more expert systems as required. Expert systems are basically a central library of “base configuration” databases and the subscription allows for the clients’ own database to be periodically updated from the base configuration databases. Expert system databases are maintained by a committee of Wood engineers. When new changes are made to the code, the “base configuration” database is updated and the changes to the configuration are pushed out to all the subscribers. For more information, see Expert Systems Overview.

  • Configuration elements can be ported between databases using template files without reliance on the subscription model.

    Configuration tables that can be included as part of the template are:

    • Asset types and asset type icons

    • Asset and sub asset information groups (AIGs and sub-AIGs)

    • Event and sub-event definitions

    • AIG and event form and grid layouts

    • Anomaly triggers

    • Workflows

    • Global lookup tables and items

    • Lookup lists and items

    • Unit groups and units

    • Functions

    • Charts

    • Risk models and risk charts

    • Report templates

Creating and Deploying Expert Systems and Versions

The basic process of creating new expert systems or new expert system versions and deploying them in another database is the following:

  1. You create a new expert system in the source database from which you want to export the configurations. For more information, see Create Expert Systems and Versions.

  2. If the client has subscribed to the expert system and has access to Internet, then in the client management database, the new expert system has to be assigned to the client and the new version has to be made available. For more information, see Make Expert System Version Available to Client.

  3. In the destination database, you import the expert system as required. For more information, see Deploy Expert Systems and Versions.

Worked Examples

See the following worked examples for a step-by-step guide on: