Configuration - Lookup Lists Dialog

From this dialog, you can add or edit lookup lists (top part of the dialog) or add or edit items to a selected lookup list (bottom part of the dialog).

You can use the standard grid functions (see Using the Grid) in the Configuration - Lookup Lists dialog to edit, delete, import, export lookup lists or lookup list items or check their connections.

Add/Edit Lookup List Dialog

See below for the description of fields in the Add Lookup List/Edit Lookup List dialogs.

  • Lookup List tab:

    Field Name



    Enter a name that uniquely identifies the lookup list.


    If required, enter a category to classify the lookup list.

  • Items tab:

    This tab is only visible once you saved the new lookup list. See Add/Edit Lookup List Item Dialog for information about the fields on this tab.

Add/Edit Lookup List Item Dialog

See below for the description of fields in the Add Lookup List Item/Edit Lookup List Item dialogs.

Field Name



The value that is passed to functions that use this lookup list field as an input. If the lookup list item has some sensible numeric value, this is often specified in the Value field. For example, if the lookup list is “Anode depletion”, and the first item has a Comment of “0 - 25%”, the Value might be “25”. If the lookup list items don’t have a sensible numerical value, the Value is often set to the same text as the Comment.


The descriptive text visible to users in the field on the form.


Optional field. You can import icons or images, which the users can see in the field on forms and in the drop-down list when they are picking an item.

Note: The size of the image boxes in the drop-down list is adjusted to the size of the largest image in the lookup list. Thus, we recommend that you use the same image size for all the images.

Item Order

Optional field. It controls the order in which items are shown in the drop-down list when users pick an item. If no order is specified in this field, then the system orders items by the Comments field, using alphabetical order.

You can also click the Item Order button at the top of the Configuration - Lookup Lists dialog, which opens the Item Order dialog. From there, you can move the item with the Move Up or Move Down buttons available in the toolbar.