Configure Lookup Lists

Under Configuration ‣ General ‣ Lookup Lists, you can create, edit and delete lookup lists.

Lookup lists store information used repeatedly throughout the application, ensuring that this data is stored uniformly. Lookup lists can be referenced from asset information forms (see Configure Asset Information Groups), event forms (see Event) and global table forms (see Global Table), where a lookup list field will show as a drop-down list, from which the user can pick an item.

Lookup lists are particularly useful for restricting a subjective assessment to a limited set of predefined values. For example, a lookup list is an ideal way to ensure consistency in the assessment of a concept like ‘priority’. If you define lookup list items ‘High’, ‘Medium’ and ‘Low’ (with associated values of three, two and one respectively) in a lookup list called ‘Priority’, you can restrict users to select values from a predefined priority schema.

Create a Lookup List

To add a new lookup list, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the Add button at the top of the Configuration - Lookup Lists dialog.

  2. Give your new lookup list a name and (optionally) a category.

  3. Click OK to save the lookup list.

  4. Add items to the lookup list in either of the following ways:

  • Edit the new lookup list and define the new items on the Items tab of the Edit Lookup List dialog. This tab is only visible once you saved the new lookup list.

  • Select the lookup list and choose Add in the bottom part of the Configuration - Lookup Lists dialog.

  1. Define the parameters for the lookup list items. For more information, see Add/Edit Lookup List Item Dialog.

  2. Click OK to save the lookup list items.