NEXUS IC Overview

NEXUS Integrity Centre (NEXUS IC) is the core desktop platform of NEXUS. It is a software that you can install on-premise to get access to all the main asset integrity management features that NEXUS offers.


Before using NEXUS IC, ensure that you have set up the software as described in the Deployment.

Settings for NEXUS IC

From the main menu of NEXUS IC, you can make settings for, adjust, or check the way NEXUS IC works, including:

  • Making settings for the database (see Database)

  • Configuring the NEXUS IC database (see Configuration)

  • Using the Tools menu for influencing or checking the generic behaviour of the application (see Tools)

NEXUS IC Screen Overview

On the main screen of NEXUS IC, you can access different screens from the sidebar, which allow you to perform asset integration management tasks for specific areas.

The following main screens are available:




Displays the output from any report template that you have configured in the report template library and marked as a Dashboard. For more information, see Dashboards.


Allows you to access the asset tree where you can view and manage all the asset information stored in the NEXUS IC database. For more information, see Asset Data Management.


Allows you to manage library items. Library items are electronic documents that can be linked to data and data types in NEXUS IC. For more information, see Library.


Shows tasks against their asset, in calendar form. You can maintain tasks, planning templates, risks or shutdowns from this screen. For more information, see Planning and Workpacks.


Allows you to maintain workpacks, which are collections of tasks or events. For more information, see Workpacks.


You can upload, analyse, chart and review inspection event data from this screen. For more information, see Inspection.


You can maintain anomalies from this screen. Anomalies are records that identify discrete items or areas of concern. For more information, see Anomaly Management.


Certain screens and tabs on the NEXUS IC interface may be hidden if the user lacks the necessary permissions for the underlying tables. For more information, see Permission Requirements for User Interface Elements.

General Features

There are some features and functions that are general and can be used across the different screens of NEXUS IC, for example, searching, or using the grid. For more information, see General Features.


If you need help, you can use the Help menu to access the documentation or to contact NEXUS Support.