Add Video Devices

The offshore NEXUS package comes with the default IC-Recorder video device for recording videos and is optimised to work with IC-Inspection. You can, however, also use a third-party video device that has implemented our standard DVR control protocol.

Add IC-Recorder

To enable communication between IC-Inspection and IC-Recorder, set up the connection as described below:

  1. On the Devices pane, choose Add from the toolbar.

  2. In the Add New Device wizard, choose Video Device, and click Next.

  3. Select IC-Recorder and click Next.

  4. Specify the properties of IC-Recorder as required.

    Note the following:

    • If you’re adding several IC-Recorders, you should give each one a different Display Name so that you can tell them apart.

    • If IC-Recorder is running on the local machine, the Address value can be Localhost. If it’s running on another machine, it can be the IP address of that machine.

    • If you have several instances of IC-Recorder running on one PC, they will each have a different port number. By default, the first run will have port 4500; the second, port 4501; and so on. You can change this in IC-Recorder under the Tools ‣ Options ‣ Advanced menu option.

  5. Click Finish to complete the setup.


    The IC-Recorder device is added to the list of devices on the Devices pane and the value in the Connection Status column should show Connected in case of a successful connection. The Enabled toolbar button is on by default. If the value in the Connection Status column is not Connected, then click Enabled twice, to disable then re-enable the device. This forces a fresh attempt at connection.

When you click Start to start an inspection, all video devices will attempt to start recording. While the video devices are in the process of starting recording, you will see a progress dialog. If this dialog persists for more than a couple of seconds, this may indicate a problem with one or more of your video devices. Check the status of each device, both here in IC-Inspection, and on IC-Recorder’s own window (which may be on a different PC). When you click Stop to stop the inspection again, all video devices will attempt to stop recording.

Add a Third-Party DVR Device

To enable communication between IC-Inspection and a third-party video recorder, follow the steps described above for IC-Recorder, with the only exception of choosing Generic Video Recorder in the Add New Device wizard in step 3.

Any device that has implemented our standard DVR control protocol is supported. For information about supported devices, see Third-party DVRs.