Import Events

You can import or bulk update events by choosing Import from the toolbar on the INSPECTION screen.

The format of the Excel workbook needs to be specific. We recommend that you use the Example button on the first page of the Import wizard, to generate the workbook in the correct format for importing data.

During the import process, anomaly trigger checks are run on each event and if required, findings are automatically generated. For more information, see Run Anomaly Triggers.


If you do not specify a survey set for event survey data to be imported into, it will be imported into Raw Survey Data, which is the default set. If two different events have the same date/time, the second one imported will overwrite the survey values of the first. To avoid this, don’t have two different events in the same survey set at the same time with different survey data.


When creating a new event, Event.Start Clock must be earlier in time than Event.End Clock for the import to succeed.

Import Files