SPE Expert System Content

The Static Pressure Equipment (SPE) expert system comes with the following elements:

Asset Types

Asset Type



Condition Monitoring Location

Corrosion Circuit (lvl 0)

RBI Component (API 580)

Corrosion Loop

Corrosion Loop Grouping

Dead Leg

Piping Dead Leg

Fired Heater

Pressure Systems Equipment Parent

Fired Heater Segment (lvl 0)

RBI Component (API 580)

Heat Exchanger

Pressure Systems Equipment Parent

Heat Exchanger Bundle (lvl 0)

RBI Component (API 580)

Heat Exchanger Vessel (lvl 0)

RBI Component (API 580)




Pressure Systems Pipework Parent

Piping Line

Line level piping (below Corrosion Circuits - NOT RBI’d)

Storage Tank

Pressure Systems Equipment Parent

Storage Tank Segment (lvl 0)

RBI Component (API 580)


Pressure Systems Equipment Parent

Vessel Component

Line level vessel (below Vessel Component (lvl x)- NOT RBI’d)

Vessel Segment (lvl 0)

RBI Component (API 580)


Weld Monitoring Location

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Asset Information Groups (AIGs)

AIG Name



Availability / Operability Status

General Data

Calculation Parameter

General Data

CML Inspection Plan

Inspection / Mitigation

CML WT History

Inspection / Mitigation

CoF Review


Dead Leg Assessment

External Inspection Plan

Inspection / Mitigation

External: Metal Loss / Cracking

DM Review

General Data

Pressure Systems Model

HE External Cracking

DM Review

Identical to IC, but for outside of HE tube bundles

HE External Metal Loss

DM Review

Identical to IML, but for outside of HE tube bundles

Inspection History

Inspection / Mitigation

Inspection Planner

Inspection / Mitigation

Layout of individual inspection tasks

Inspection Scheme

Inspection / Mitigation

Summarises the inspection requirement for the asset

Internal: Cracking

DM Review

Internal: Metal Loss

DM Review

Metallurgical / Mechanical

DM Review

Metallurgical / Misc Damage Mechanisms from API 571

Piping Data

General Data

Risk Overview


Vessel Data

General Data

WML History


WML Inspection Plan

Inspection / Mitigation

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Risk Models

High-level diagram summarising risk assessment approach. It should identify each damage mode/mechanism as a single item and also call out compliance with individual codes.

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Inspection / Maintenance Events

Event Type


Assigned to Types

Ad-Hoc Updates


Anomaly (Ad-Hoc)


CML - Grid UT


CML - WT Reading


CML - WT Reading Rejected


Coating Application

RBI Level, Piping Line, Vessel Component, CML, WML, Dead Leg, Nozzle

Cracking Inspection

RBI Level

CUI Visual Inspection

RBI Level, Piping Line, Vessel Component

CVI (External)

RBI Level, Piping Line, Vessel Component, CML, WML, Dead Leg, Nozzle

CVI (Internal)

Invasive Visual inspection of Equipment

RBI Level, Piping Line, Vessel Component

Dead Leg Survey

RBI Level, Piping Line, Vessel Component, CML, WML, Dead Leg, Nozzle

DPI Pre-Inspection

RBI Level, Piping Line, Vessel Component, CML, WML, Dead Leg, Nozzle

ECI Pre-Inspection

RBI Level, Piping Line, Vessel Component, CML, WML, Dead Leg, Nozzle


RBI Level, Piping Line, Vessel Component, CML, WML, Dead Leg, Nozzle


RBI Level, Piping Line, Vessel Component

Lining Visual Inspection

RBI Level, Piping Line, Vessel Component

MPI Pre-Inspection

RBI Level, Piping Line, Vessel Component, CML, WML, Dead Leg, Nozzle

RT Pre-Inspection

RBI Level, Piping Line, Vessel Component, CML, WML, Dead Leg, Nozzle

Surface Prep

RBI Level, Piping Line, Vessel Component, CML, WML, Dead Leg, Nozzle

UT Pre-Inspection

RBI Level, Piping Line, Vessel Component, CML, WML, Dead Leg, Nozzle

WML - Cracking Inspection


WT Survey

RBI Level

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Template Name



Anomaly Dashboard

Primary interface for anomaly status, assignment and actions

Inspection Dashboard

For inspection scheduling and task assignment

Risk Dashboard

Overview and interface for high level risk assignment

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Template Name



SPE - CML WT Tasks

Generates CML WT Tasks as import sheet for selected workpack, with guidance included

SPE Reports


[Generate in Excel] For child assets of the asset selected, this report displays a listing of the

Inspection Plan for CMLs

SPE Reports

SPE - Dead Leg Register

[Generate in Excel] For child assets of the asset selected, this report displays a list of dead legs

along with dead leg details and last/next inspection date.

SPE Reports

SPE - DLR/TR Register

For child assets of the asset selected, this report displays a list of defined life

repair and temporary repair actions as well as the corresponding anomaly details including anomaly risk score

SPE Reports

SPE - Inspection Plan Listing

For child assets of the asset selected, this report displays a listing of

the Inspection Plan

SPE Reports

SPE - Inspection Plan Report

This report displays Asset

Description, Design Information, Current Condition, RBI Summary, Inspection Plan, Examination Scheme and associated Drawings

SPE Reports

SPE - RBI Summary Report

For Corrosion Circuits select the RBI Asset only. For Pressure Vessels or Heat

Exchangers select the Parent level Vessel or Heat Exchanger to generate for each RBI child asset. This report displays the PoF’s

and CoF’s for RBI’ed Assets

SPE - Elements

A report containing multiple reports from the base system that can be used to help accelerate construction of other reports.

Use the “Retrieve Element” button to transfer selected items to your new report.



All dashboards and reports are present within the ‘SPE Elements’ report template and are created as required by the customer during configuration and are therefore editable.

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Client-Specific Lists

Wood delivers “out-of-the-box” configuration for the global tables and lookup lists listed below. These tables and lookup lists are delivered without data. To ensure that the system works effectively, customers must populate them with their own company-specific data upon deployment. Wood can provide sensible default data if required.




Lookup List

Coating Type

A list of client specific coatings which map to None, Medium, High

eg. Epoxy Phenolic; Epoxy Zinc Phosphate; Asphalt Mastic

Lookup List

CoF Scores

List of CoF categories to suit client Risk Matrix

eg. A;B;C;D;E

Lookup List

Condition of Work

List of shutdown conditions required for enactment of inspection

eg. Total plant shutdown; Online inspection

Lookup List

Material Spec and Grade - Piping

List of Client Piping Material Specs

eg. ASTM A105 / Gr…; ASTM A106 Gr A; ASTM A106 Gr B; ASTM A106 Gr C

Lookup List

Material Spec and Grade - Storage Tank

List of Client Tank Material Specs

eg. A36; A131-A, B, CS; A131-EH 36; A573-58

Lookup List

Material Spec, Grade and Condition

List of Client Vessel Material Specs

eg. SA/GB 713 / Gr Q370R / Normalized; SA/JIS G3118 / Gr SGV480 / …; SA–1008 / Gr CS–A / …

Lookup List

PoF Scores

List of PoF categories to suit client Risk Matrix

eg. 1;2;3;4;5

Lookup List

System Type / Fluid - Lookup

Client System Types

eg. Isomerization; Sour Water Stripper; Sulfur Recovery

Lookup List/s

Inspection Event Attributes

There are ~50 lookup lists which are used in inspection

event definitions that can be populated to suit existing client practices/procedures.

eg. Coating Types; Coating Condition; Insulation Type

Global Table

Applicable Damage Mechanisms

For each System Type add applicable DMs from set list

eg. Isomerization; 09. Hydrochloric Acid Corrosion

Global Table

Database Configuration

High level database specific info

Global Table

Inspection Effectiveness

Assigns Effectiveness A..D for each Cof/PoF combination

eg. 1,1,D; 1,2,D; 1,3,D

Global Table

Inspection Frequency Matrix

Assigns Frequency (in days) CoF/PoF combination

eg. 1,1,144; 1,2,144; 1,3,120

Global Table

Remaining Life Factor

Assigns RL ranges for each PoF

Global Table

Risk Rank Categories / Scoring

Assigns PoF and CoF ranges for failures/year,

Consequence Area, Financial Consequence, Spill Volume, No. Affected personnel etc.

Global Table

Risk Rank Categories / Scoring (Tube Bundle)

Assigns PoF and CoF ranges for failures/year,

Consequence Area, Financial Consequence for Tube Bundles only

Global Table

Risk Rank to Risk Score

Assigns text value to each PoF/CoF combination

Global Table

Stress Value and MDMT

List of Client Material Types with associated From/To Temps and From/To Stress Values

eg. SA 240 Gr 2507 UNS S32750, 204.44, 260, 242005.99, 237869.13

Global Table

Table 1A ASME BPVC II Part D and DM Applicability

Global Table

Table 4-1 - Max Allowable Shell Stresses and DM

Global Table

Table 5A ASME BPVC II Part D

Global Table

YS and TS (Piping) and DM Applicability

Global Table/s

Inspection Plan -

There are 12 lookup tables which are used for the generation of inspection schemes, they include

Inspection Plan - External Cracking and Inspection Plan - Internal Metal Loss etc.

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