Add/Edit Task Dialog

See below for the description of fields in the Add Task/Edit Task dialogs.

Field Name


Optional Lookup


Indicates where the task is to be completed. Enter the relevant asset and its location.

Ad Hoc Task

Some tasks are used to create multiple events in IC-Inspector. Tick this checkbox to indicate if this is an ad hoc task. A task generated by a planning template with the ad hoc attribute selected will have this checkbox selected by default.

Start KP/EL / End KP/EL

Defines the starting and ending kilometre point or elevation of a task (if required).


You must specify a workpack to contain your task.

Event Type

The type of event that is to occur to complete this task. This field is optional.

Schedule Type

A non-required field, used for grouping or categorising.


You may optionally create task categories to further group your tasks (for example, tasks that require rope access, tasks that should only be undertaken on days ending in a ‘y’, etc.).

Reference Number

If you use a company-specific reference number for the task, enter it in this field.

Assigned To

You can assign particular tasks to particular personnel. See Assigning Tasks.

Requires Shutdown

In plant inspection, some work requires the asset to be shut down — for example, inspecting the interior of a vessel. Tick this checkbox for such tasks.



Specifies the order in which the tasks are to be completed (for information purposes only). For example, if an asset should be cleaned and then GVI’ed, give the Cleaning task a lower order number than the GVI task. Repeated numbers are OK. Specifying the Order No attribute for individual tasks determines the order they appear in the IC-Inspector Tasks list.

Approx Timing

This value is used to estimate the overall duration (and optionally, cost) of workpacks.


Due Date

You can optionally set a due date by which you want this task to be completed. If this task is generated by a planning template, and the template’s Start field is in the form of a date lookup, the Due Date will be filled with this date value.


Any descriptive text relating to this task that may assist the inspector. If you find you are using the same instruction for every event of this type, you should instead put those instructions on the Event Type. (It is similarly possible to put instructions on a planning template.)

Task Origin

Specifies where the task is originated from. You cannot exceed 150 characters.

Anomaly Action

If this task was created from an anomaly action, the name of the anomaly action is displayed.

Planning Template

If this task was created from a planning template, the name of the planning template is displayed.


If an event has been used to complete this task, the name of the event is displayed.

Task Status

You can optionally create task statuses to classify your tasks.

Is Completed

If an event has been used to complete this task, the value of this field is Yes.

Is Deferred

If the task has been deferred to another inspection, the value of this field is Yes.

Is Held

If the task has been held and a new subsequent task has been created for it, the value of this field is Yes.

See also