Complete Tasks

Tasks in IC-Inspection can be completed once you have started creating an event (see Create Events) and in the Active Events pane, you make the following selections before saving the event:

  • If the event is launched from a task, it will have a Task section at the top of the event form with a Complete Task checkbox. If you leave this checkbox selected, the task will be marked as completed when you save the event.

  • If the event is not launched from a task, but matches an existing task, you will see a Task Completion section at the top of the event form indicating that this event can complete a task and a Task section with the specific task and a checkbox. Select this checkbox if you intend to use this event to complete the task. The task will be marked as completed when you save the event.

  • If there are multiple tasks that this event could complete, you will see a Task Completion section at the top of the event form indicating that this event can complete a task and a Task section with the specific tasks listed. You can choose which tasks to complete using the checkboxes. The selected task will be marked as completed when you save the event.