
The Import functionality enables you to bulk update data stored in the database. There are numerous Import buttons throughout NEXUS IC — the Import button on the ASSETS screen allows you to import assets and asset information (see Import Assets), the Import button on the LIBRARY screen allows you to import library types, the Import button on the Library tab within the LIBRARY screen allows you to import library items, and so on.

The format of the Excel workbook needs to be specific. We recommend that you use the Example button (shown below) to generate an Excel template in a format suitable for importing data.


The Import Template generated using the Example button will highlight fields that have been flagged as Required fields, set up lookup lists and provide information on the format and field type in the grey rows as shown here:



It’s essential to understand that during the import process, the SQL server generates Row and Table Locks. As a result, other users accessing NEXUS IC might perceive the application as unresponsive. However, once the import completes and the data is committed, these locks are released. Subsequently, other users can resume using NEXUS IC without any issues.

Import Files