Edit Findings
You can update the details of existing findings either on the Finding or on the Findings pane of the INSPECTION screen, but only one of them is visible at a time:
When the Event Listing tab is active, the Findings pane is visible, where you can see several findings for the currently selected event (if they exist). This pane is hidden when the Finding Listing tab is active. You can select a single event or multi-select events as required.
When the Finding Listing tab is active, the Finding pane is visible, where you can see the details of the findings that you selected in the Finding Listing grid. This pane is hidden when the Event Listing tab is active. You can select a single finding or multi-select findings as required.
With Event Listing Tab Active
On the INSPECTION screen, select the relevant events on the Event Listing tab.
Go to the Findings pane and select the findings that you want to update. You can multi-select findings.
in the toolbar.
In the Edit Finding dialog, update the details of the finding as required. You can also link the findings to an anomaly or mark them as insignificant here using the Anomaly Required field. For information about filling the fields in this dialog, see Add/Edit Finding Dialog.
Click OK to save your changes.
With Finding Listing Tab Active
On the INSPECTION screen, select the relevant findings on the Finding Listing tab. You can multi-select findings.
Go to the Finding pane and update the details of the fields as required. You can also link the findings to an anomaly or mark them as insignificant here using the Anomaly Required field. For information about filling the fields on this pane, see Add/Edit Finding Dialog.
If you want to undo your changes, before choosing Save, you can set the values back to their original values by choosing Revert.
Choose Save to save your changes.