Drawings in IC-Web

In IC-Web, some features related to drawings work differently as compared to NEXUS IC.

PDFs in Drawings Pane

In the Drawings pane on the ASSETS and INSPECTION screens, only a PDF placeholder image is displayed for all drawings with PDF extension. You have to click on the PDF thumbnail to display the actual image in the Drawings pane:


3D CAD Drawings

In IC-Web, 3D drawings are supported via a conversion process. To convert the drawing, follow the steps below:

  1. Prepare the 3D CAD drawing in AutoCAD and ensure that you have set up any required tags for navigation as described in 3D Drawing Preparation in Autocad.

  2. Send the drawing to NEXUS support.

  3. NEXUS support converts your CAD file to DAE, a 3D format that works well in web browsers and which is understood by IC-Web.

  4. You (or NEXUS support) can then load that file into your NEXUS library as a drawing on the same asset in the same Library Category group as your original CAD drawing.

  5. NEXUS IC lists both files in the drawing panel but only the CAD files render in 3D; DAE is an unsupported drawing format for NEXUS IC. IC-Web, however, displays the DAE file as a 3D scene.

In IC-Web, you can use your mouse for 3D drawings as follows:




Hold left mouse button and drag


Hold right mouse button and drag


Use mouse wheel or hold middle mouse button and move up/down