NEXUS IC 5 Users

If you’ve upgraded from NEXUS IC version 5 to version 6, here are some quick things that you should know:

  • All grids in version 6 work in the same way. Once you’ve learned one of them, you’ve essentially learned them all. (Exception: There are a couple of grids where the new multi-edit feature doesn’t work.)

  • Speaking of which, multi-edit is new and very powerful.

  • The list of major areas at the left of NEXUS IC 6 should be immediately familiar, but there are now no sub-selections within each of those areas. Configuration is moved to the Configuration menu. (Of course all those Configuration screens are made of standard grids, and all work in the same way.)

  • Some areas are missing because they’ve been incorporated into other screens. For example, 4-Site has now been incorporated into the Assets Risk screen.

  • The old Scheduling Schedules screen’s View Assets and View Workpacks are now the Planning and Workpacks screens respectively.

  • Tools Options is where it’s always been, but there’s less in it. Things specific to your database are now in Database Properties.

  • You can rearrange Asset Information tabs by drag-dropping them.

  • We now support 3D DWGs. (Bear in mind that large 3D DWGs may be slow.)

  • Drawings are now a special kind of Library Item. If you add one drawing to several different assets, it now gets added as a library item once, and connected to those several different assets, thus saving database space.

  • Setting up a sheet for import is a bit different: in version 5, you created a sample sheet for import by exporting something. In version 6, you instead use the Import wizard’s Example button.

  • Configure Chart Templates and Configure Traffic Lights are configured differently in version 6.