
Tasks displayed in this panel are determined by the Workpack selected in the Database Information panel and the Asset selected in the Assets panel.

Tasks Toolbar

  • Launch - launches the currently selected task in the Event panel.
  • Template -
  • Edit - Edit the selected task.
  • Navigate to task asset - Will change the active asset in the hierarchy to the currently selected task’s asset. Note that this will change what tasks are visible in the Tasks window.
  • Children - toggles on and off display of tasks on assets that are descendants of the asset selected in the Asset Tree panel.
  • Parent - toggles on and off display of tasks on assets that are ancestors of the asset selected in the Asset Tree panel.
  • Customise - See Customise.
  • Connections - see Connections.
  • Instructions – toggles visibility of the Instructions panel.

Launching a Task

To launch a Task from the Task panel, click Launch Task, or double-click the task in the grid.

Note that there is a right-click menu allowing you to launch a task, edit a task, or navigate to a task’s asset.