Command-Line Switches

You can launch NEXUS IC with various command-line switches. The NEXUS IC executable is named ‘IntegrityCentre.exe’. This can be useful when launching NEXUS IC from a Windows Explorer shortcut, or when configuring a RemoteApp icon.

Below is an example of how to run NEXUS IC with debugging information enabled. These steps can also be used for IC-Inspection, by using the ‘Inspection.exe’ instead of ‘IntegrityCentre.exe’.


Method 1: Launch NEXUS via Desktop Shortcut

  • Create a desktop shortcut to Integrity Centre
  • Right click on the shortcut and select ‘Properties’.
  • On the ‘Shortcut’ tab page add -debug after the location in the Target field - See image on right
  • Click Ok to save the changes.
  • Run the shortcut to launch Integrity Centre with debugging enabled.

Method 2: Launch via Command Prompt

  • Click Start - type ‘cmd’ and press enter to open Command Prompt.

  • Paste the following and press enter:

    start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\NEXUS\IntegrityCentre.exe" -debug

You must include the “” (empty double quotes) before the exe location in your command. The file path must point to your local installation path for NEXUS.

Log File:

The log file is located at:


For Integrity Centre, the log file is named ‘IntegrityCentre_Trace.log’, for IC-Inspection the log file is ‘Inspection_Trace.log’

A shortcut to this location is:


General Options

Name Command Example Usage Description
Dock -dock IntegrityCentre -dock=Anomalies If you use a command-line switch beginning with ‘-dock=’ and ending with a dock name, NEXUS IC will launch with that dock open. Valid dock names are ‘Dashboards’, ‘Assets’, ‘Library’, ‘Planning’, ‘Workpacks’, ‘Inspection’, and ‘Anomalies’. They are case-insensitive.
Disable Single Sign-On -DisableSSO IntegrityCentre -DisableSSO If you have previously logged in to a NEXUS database using domain credentials, then on subsequent runs you will be automatically logged in again with those credentials. You can either select Database ‣ Close, or you can run NEXUS IC with the command-line switch ‘-DisableSSO’.
Offline Mode -offline IntegrityCentre -offline When limited/no internet connection is available, startup times can be reduced by running NEXUS IC in ‘offline’ mode. This will prevent NEXUS from re-validating the license. The licenses check will still fail if the grace period has been exceeded.
Prevent display of LIBRARY dock or Export Repository /iad IntegrityCentre /iad You can use command-line switch /iad to prevent NEXUS IC displaying the LIBRARY dock or Database ‣ Export Repository.

Backup and Restore

Name Command Example Usage Description
Backup /backup IntegrityCentre /backup /sql=MySQLServer /db=MyDatabase /username=admin /password=admin /path="C:\Database Backups" You can use command-line switches to tell NEXUS IC to backup a database. Eg. for automated backups of a live database.
Restore /restore IntegrityCentre /restore /sql=MySQLServer /db=NewDatabase /path="C:\Database Backups\" You can use command-line switches to tell NEXUS IC to restore a database. Eg. for automated refreshing of a sandpit database.
Restore (with credentials) /restore IntegrityCentre /restore /sql=MySQLServer /db=NewDatabase /path="C:\Database Backups\" /username=admin /password=admin If you are overwriting an existing database, you must additionally supply credentials, to demonstrate that you have the appropriate authority to overwrite.

Debugging and Tracing

NEXUS IC and IC-Inspection log information to the folder C:Users[username]AppDataRoamingNEXUS. Note that you should only use debug switches if instructed to do so by Wood technical support, as they can significantly impact performance. If you start NEXUS IC with a debug switch, you will see a dialog reminding you of this.

Name Command Example Usage Description
Informational -informational IntegrityCentre -informational Log informational messages.
Error -error IntegrityCentre -error Log error messages and everything less verbose
Debug -debug IntegrityCentre -debug Log debug, informational and warning messages.
Debug (1-4) -debug1 -debug2 -debug3 -debug4 IntegrityCentre -debug# Log debug information. These are ordered here from least verbose to most verbose.
Launch with credentials /dbuser= /dbpass= IntegrityCentre /dbuser=username /dbpass=pA55w0rd Log in with predefined username and password. If, in the Database ‣ Connect wizard you have selected “Specific Windows / Domain User”, the dbuser and dbpass you specify will be passed to SQL Server as domain credentials.
Launch with credentials (SQL Server Authentication) /dbuser= /dbpass= /sqlauth IntegrityCentre /dbuser=username /dbpass=pA55wOrd /sqlauth If you would like to connect to the database using SQL Server Authentication, then use the /sqlauth switch along with the username and password. The user will still be given a login prompt allowing them to provide NEXUS credentials, which will determine which NEXUS user account will be used to identify any changes they make to the database.