Event Details¶
The Event Details pane displays the Event data for the currently selected event.

An event represents a discrete inspection or survey item. Each event record has (as a minimum) the following data linked to it:
- Asset
- Workpack
- Start Date/Time
- End Date/Time
- Survey Set
Report Table Sources¶
To extract event data (common to all events) into a report template, use the System Table titled Event as the primary Table Source. To extract additional data from specific events, add fields from the relevant Events which exist in the Point Event or Range Event categories.
For more information see Report Templates.
The Event Form¶

Data fields specific to this event are displayed in the upper section of the form. The fields displayed here are user-definable and can be configured from Event Types. Event specific data can be edited and saved using the controls in this section of the form.
The section of the form titled Event contains the key data associated with this event. The Workpack, Asset, Survey Set, Start Clock and End Clock can all be edited from this section. Click on the ellipses button to edit Workpack, Asset or Survey Set. Type in or choose from the calendar and clock control to edit the Start and/or End Clock values.
The lower part of the form titled Commentary has the Notes field, where free text relating to this event can be entered and saved.
Event Details Toolbar¶
- Saves any changes made to the current event.
- Ignores changes and reverts data in the event back to the last saved state.