Survey Values

The Survey Values panel displays a list of all defined serial survey fields, the current value and the source of the serial input. Survey fields are defined in the Device Manager, within the device they are being received from. A red status colour shows for survey fields that are not receiving data or are disabled. A green status colour flashes for survey input fields that are receiving data.

Type checking occurs for the values entered in the Value Column. A Value cell gets a red background if the cell contains a value that does not match its survey field type. It gets a green background if the cell’s value matches its survey field type. If IC-Inspection knows that this cell should contain a whole number, a “numeric” (i.e. a number that can have a decimal point), a date, a time, or a date/time, then it can know whether to colour the cell red or green. For example, if it’s a KP and it contains “1-1-2017”, then that’s not valid. For other types (such as text), IC-Inspection doesn’t attempt to show any validation.

Updating the Source for a Survey Field

To change the source of a Survey Field, first click in the source cell in the grid, then click on the ellipsis(...) button in the Source cell adjacent to the survey field and choose the relevant input device from the drop down menu.