Asset Information¶
The Asset Information panel shows asset-specific information for the currently selected asset.
Different Asset Information forms are relevant to different Asset Types. (You can configure the relationship between Asset Information forms and Asset Types in NEXUS IC under Tools > Configuration.)
At the left are “sideways” tabs: one for each asset information Category relevant to this asset type. When you click on one of these Category tabs, you will be shown tabs across the top of the form, one for each Asset Information form in this Category that are relevant to this Asset Type. When you click on an Asset Information form tab, you will be shown that Asset Information form. (Some forms may take a moment to display, depending upon the amount of calculation that must be done.)
If you make changes, Commit and
Cancel will become enabled, and you can use these to save or discard your changes. (If you select a different asset without clicking Commit or Cancel, your changes will be committed.)
Ordering forms¶
To change the order of the Asset Information forms, simply click, drag and drop the Asset Information tab title to a different location.
For more details on Asset Information forms and fields, see the NEXUS IC documentation.