
Connectors allows you to create point-to-point connections to external databases. Connection types shown in the following table:


Connection Type Description
Push where changes made in NEXUS are sent to the external field, but not vice versa
Pull where changes made in the external table are pulled into the field in NEXUS.
Push & Pull where changes made in either the external table or in NEXUS are propegated to the other

There are three steps to setting up a point-to-point connection, they are:

  1. Setup the Provider
  2. Setup the Tables; and
  3. Setup the Columns.

Setting up the Provider

  1. Click on Configuration ‣ Connectors ‣ Providers
  2. Click Add from the Configuration - Providers toolbar.
  3. In the Add External Provider dialog, enter a descriptive Name for the Provider (eg. MAXIMO)
  4. Choose the Provider Type (currently supports Oracle, MSSQL Server and Excel). Based on the Provider Type selected, you will be presented with further options (eg. if you choose Oracle type, then you will need to enter the Oracle Easy Connect String, if you choose Excel type, then you will need to enter the full path to the Excel file, and if you choose MSSQL Server you will be required to enter the Server Address, Database Name and other Authentication information.)

Setting up the Tables

  1. Click on Configuration ‣ Connectors ‣ Tables
  2. Click Add from the Configuration - Tables toolbar.
  3. In the External Table dialog, click on the Ellipses (...) button to choose the Provider setup previously, and enter a Name for the Table (eg. Workpack).
  4. Enter the Source Name, this will be the database table name or for Excel the named table (eg. Workorder).
  5. The Primary Key is the column or field defined in the External table which will be used to match to field in NEXUS IC which identifies the row to be updated. The values in the chosed field must be unique (eg. Name).
  6. Check or uncheck Allow Insert determines if NEXUS will insert rows into the External Table or the NEXUS table.

Setting up the Columns

  1. Click on Configuration ‣ Connectors ‣ Tables
  2. Click Add from the bottom toolbar in the Configuration - Tables dialog.
  3. In the Add External Field Map dialog, click on the Ellipses (...) button to choose the Table setup previously.
  4. The Field Name will be the name of the Excel column or the name of the field in the MSSQL Server table.
  5. The Primary Key Field is a column or field defined in the NEXUS IC database which will be used to match to the Primary Key field in the External table.
  6. Choose which direction the data is to be passed from the Sync Direction dropdown list.
  7. Finally, click on the Field ellipses button to choose a field in NEXUS which is mapped to the External field column.