Post Blob

Post a blob to the REST service, that can then be used in subsequent operations, such as adding library items, multimedia, and importing.

HTTP Request

POST /icweb.dll/postBlob

URI Parameters


Request Body

This contains the binary data for the blob.


Name Type Description
200 OK Blob OK
403 Not authorised An attempt was made to upload a blob when you do not have permissions.
404.13 File exceeds maximum IIS size. An attempt was made to upload a file larger than the IIS setting. See:


The Blob object, contains information about the uploaded Blob.

Name Type Description Optional
Expiry Date Time Date and Time the blob will expire and be removed from the server if it has not be persisted using another REST api. No
Guid string Unique Identifier for this blob No
md5 string MD5 checksum for this blob to ensure that the server received the blob correctly, you should check this against your local md5 and if it does not match, re-post the blob using another request. No



POST /icweb.dll/postBlob

Request Body

binary data


        "expiry": "2018-11-01T00:05:13.000Z",
        "guid": "{69EA081E-84ED-4504-B15D-14BC7A020E49}",
        "md5": "cf894da06f793ed73d841c72dd0bfde3"


The guid can then be used to insert a row in Repository, passing the guid for the File_Data field.

PUT /icweb.dll/bo/Repository/0

Request Body

        "UNC": "file.pdf"
        "File_Data": "{69EA081E-84ED-4504-B15D-14BC7A020E49}"

