Known Issues

#8358 SVG Grey scale issue: if you view SVG images and you select the Grey Scale option, the image may appear with a solid black background, and thus black portions of the image may be obscured.

#8331 3D drawing not displayed: 3D drawings originally drawn with SESAM GeniE jacket and then converted to DWG may not display. This is because our third-party 3D DWG viewer does not cope with these DWG files. (It is possible that these particular files do not adhere to the DWG standard.)

#7725 Layer hovering doesn’t work with 2D DWG file: when you hover over a region on a regular drawing (JPG, PDF), the opacity of the region changes slightly. When you hover over a region of a 2D DWG file, the opacity does not change.

#7630 3D drawing structure error: some 3D DWG files show minor rendering errors when viewed in NEXUS. Again, this is a limitation of our third-party 3D DWG viewer.