Survey Sets

Here you can add/edit/delete Survey Sets.

Survey sets are useful for grouping data from a particular inspection. You might have a survey set called “2018 Inspection Campaign”, or you might have a survey set called “Pipeline A 2018 Inspection”. Events get their survey data from a particular survey set based on the event’s date/time – that date/time is looked up in the survey data, and the corresponding survey values (Easting, Northing, depth, etc.) for that date/time are displayed.

For each survey set you can select a ROV, where appropriate. You should do this if the survey data was captured with a particular ROV/pig/diver/etc.

You can Import data into Survey Sets from here. Click the Import button, then click Example to get an example import sheet. Note that for large quantities of data a text import file (tab-separated value or comm-separated value) is likely to be faster than an Excel import file.