Configure Features to set which Asset Information field is the source for:
- As Built - Order, As Built - Easting, As Built - Northing: sub-AIG fields used by the Map feature to show an as-built pipeline track.
- DVR - Relative Folder: used by IC-Inspection to specify the folder to record video into for each asset.
- Feature - Start, Feature - End, Feature - Name, Feature - Category: These fields are now redundant but may be used in the future. Just leave blank.
- Asset - Abbreviation: This field is now redundant but may be used in the future. Just leave blank.
- Asset - Serial Number: used to connect NEXUS IC assets to elements in a 3D drawing.
- Coordinates - Datum, Coordinates - UTM Zone: used by the Map feature to fetch real-world maps from OpenStreetMap, ESRI, etc.